The Role of Right-of-Way Clearing in Road Construction Projects

Florida continues to experience rapid growth and infrastructure development, and the demand for roadway and street improvements is surging as well. The expansion in development requires developers to ensure they secure professional and efficient contractors to handle the critical step of right-of-way-clearing.

WR Land Development provides the material below as a guide to the importance of right-of-way clearing that strictly complies with regulatory standards and development specifications.

Florida’s Rapidly Growing Infrastructure

Florida remains one of America’s fastest-growing states, and our rapidly expanding population requires substantial new suburban and urban development in all regions of the state. As both public and private investments drive new growth, developers carry significant responsibility in roadway and right-of-way construction.

Developers are increasingly responsible for financing and constructing streets and roads in and around new real estate projects — in compliance with exacting governmental regulations. The work is closely monitored, as developers generally dedicate the roads and right-of-way for public use after bearing the cost of construction. 

Right-of-Way Clearing Defined

Right-of-way clearing involves removing obstacles like trees, vegetation, structures, and debris from designated areas on development plans. 

The right-of-way serves as the surface and subsurface area used for future public infrastructure, including sidewalks, underground service lines, and above-ground utility poles and lines. 

The clearing process provides a safe and clear area for construction and maintenance activities. Right-of-way areas are either retained by developers or conveyed as easements intended eventually for public use. 

In addition to clearing, leveling, and preparing right-of-way areas for construction and development, the party with responsibility for maintaining the area also handles vegetation management and ensures the right-of-way remains accessible for its intended use. 

Why Right-of-Way Clearing Is Critical for Road Construction

Right-of-way clearing is not an afterthought in roadway construction — it is central to successful development for multiple reasons.

Ensuring Roadside Safety

Removing trees, brush, and other obstacles is key to roadside safety by improving visibility for drivers and reducing the risk of severe accidents. Safe roadways require clear sightlines, especially near intersections or any area where vegetation may block visibility.

Facilitating Infrastructure Maintenance

Properly cleared right-of-way areas allow safe and easy access for construction and maintenance crews to the roads, utilities, and drainage systems. Reasonable access is essential for ongoing infrastructure maintenance and safety.

Utility Protection

Clearing right-of-way areas protects existing and future utilities. Safeguarding critical infrastructure like power lines and pipelines from damage is critical to minimizing the risk of inconvenient and dangerous service outages for residents and businesses.

Supporting Road Construction Efficiency

By removing obstacles and leveling the land, right-of-way clearing enables safe and effective construction work. Crews need adequate space for efficient grading, excavation, and installing permanent roadbeds. Proper clearing is the foundational step needed for any successful road construction project.

Pipeline Clearing  

Most new construction projects involve underground pipelines. Right-of-way preparation must induce proper pipeline clearing to prevent damage and provide access for installation, maintenance, and repairs. 

Environmental regulations regarding subsurface pipelines place strict restrictions on placement within right-of-way areas, making proper site preparation essential. 

Florida-Specific Environmental Considerations

Florida’s unique environment among U.S. states presents specific challenges for right-of-way clearing.

The state’s diverse ecosystems, including expansive wetlands, coastal areas, and wildlife habitats, demand developers navigate and observe a complex network of regulatory requirements intended to manage and minimize adverse environmental impacts.

Wetlands Protection

The federal government has designated more than 30% of the entire state of Florida as wetlands. Right-of-way cleaning near or inside any designated wetland requires careful planning and execution to avoid costly project interruptions and involves stringent permitting requirements from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. 

Endangered Species Safeguards

Florida is one of America’s most biodiverse states and is home to many endangered and threatened species. Developers must conduct wildlife surveys before clearing and roadway and right-of-way development begins. Right-of-way dedication and placement often require mitigating measures like wildlife corridors to protect native species. 

Stormwater and Erosion Control

Right-of-way clearing and management must carefully consider Florida’s largely flat terrain and substantial rainfall. Stormwater and erosion control requires effectively planned and executed drainage solutions to protect soil, water quality, and local ecosystems.

Community Engagement

Developers often have substantial work to do when managing relations with local communities. Residents, environmental groups, and other stakeholders often express concerns and disagreements with new projects, making public relations a significant part of real estate development. 

Contact WR Land Development for Expert Right-of-Way Clearing Services in Central Florida

Successful construction projects rely on professional right-of-way cleaning work that meets all engineering specifications while complying with safety and environmental standards. 

WR Land Development provides comprehensive right-of-way cleaning services that fulfill the special needs presented by Florida’s various infrastructure projects. Our daily commitment to safety, quality, and professionalism sets us apart in the industry.

Call WR Land Development today at (407) 993-1439 to discuss your needs and learn more about how we can support your construction project. 


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